Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The advantages and disadvantages of traditional Absorption costing techniques

The focal points and impediments of conventional Absorption costing methods Presentation During that time with regards to arranging Managers has created procedures and techniques for anticipating future expenses. One of such strategies is Absorption costing and movement based costing (ABC) What is Absorption costing? Retention costing is the customary strategy for costing and stock assessment, having been created around the 1870s to 1920s is broadly utilized by the assembling organizations. The thought behind assimilation costing to spread all overheads of the assembling cost focuses just as the immediate expense between the completed items, and treat all non-producing overhead as period costs. CIMA characterized Absorption Costing as a technique for costing that, notwithstanding immediate expenses, appoints all, or an extent of, creation overheads expenses to cost units by methods for at least one number of retention rates. What is action based costing? Is the cutting edge technique for cost the board having been created in 1980s. it is the favored technique for the administrations business. The CIMA definition for action based costing is a way to deal with the costing and checking of exercises which includes following asset utilization and costing last yields. Assets are doled out to exercises, and exercises to cost objects dependent on utilization gauges. The last use cost drivers to append action expenses to yields. CIMA Official Terminology, 2005 ( Investigation For what reason does the organization need either retention costing or ABC? Its significant for chiefs to have a thought of the actualâ costâ of forms, offices, tasks or item which is the establishment of their financial plan. what's more, so as to accomplish that they have to have a cost bookkeeping framework, for example, assimilation coting or movement based costing. Here are the benefits of having such frameworks and their inconveniences The upsides of Absorption Costing: It perceives the significance of fixed expenses underway; is technique is acknowledged by Inland Revenue asâ stockâ is not underestimated; is technique is constantly used to prepareâ financialâ accounts; At the point when creation stays steady yet deals vary ingestion costing will show less variance in net benefit and The inconveniences of Absorption Costing: As ingestion costing accentuated on all out expense in particular both variable and fixed, it isn't so valuable for the board to use to settle on choice, arranging and control; as the chiefs accentuation is on absolute cost, the cost volume benefit relationship is overlooked. The administrator needs to utilize his instinct to settle on the choice. The upsides of Activity Based Costing: More accurateâ costing of items/administrations, clients, SKUs, dispersion channels. Better understandingâ overhead. Simpler toâ understandâ for everybody. Utilizesâ unit costâ rather than simply all out expense. Coordinates well with Six Sigmaâ and otherâ continuous improvement programs. Makes visibleâ wasteâ andâ non-esteem included exercises. Supportsâ performance the executives and scorecards Empowers costing ofâ processes, flexibly chains, and worth streams Action Based Costingâ mirrorsâ wayâ workâ is done Facilitatesâ benchmarking The inconveniences of movement based costing: It costs a ton to look after it, it takes a great deal of time and assets to gather, register and enter it with the framework for the date expected to quantify movement based costing. Isn't acknowledged by GAAP (acknowledged bookkeeping standards) therefor organizations need to have an alternate framework while getting ready outer reports. What are the contrasts between Absorption costing and ABC? There are numerous contrasts between assimilation costing and action based costing. Distinction in Approach One of such contrasts is the manner in which it drew closer. Ingestion costing apportions expenses to item units, though action based costing follows the expenses of item units. Retention costing is the customary cost bookkeeping technique that centers around the item or administration when fixing costs. It works under the basic methodology of doling out assets to items or administrations legitimately. Action based costing is a cutting edge cost bookkeeping approach that centers around exercises as the major expense. ABC presumes that items or administrations devour exercises, and exercises expend assets. It in this manner, attempts to change over backhanded expenses into direct expenses. Distinction in Methodology Retention costing separates similarly the fixed overhead expenses with the quantity of item units while action based costing distinguishes the real extent of fixed overheads costs caused by the item unit. Looking at ingestion costing and action based costing, the last follows a progressively logical methodology. Value obsession in assimilation costing relies upon the stock. The higher the stock, the lower the item cost and lower the stock; or the higher per-item cost. Value obsession in action based costing bases counts to infer the real overheads acquired on a unit, and doesn't shift with change in stock levels. Action based costing, nonetheless, faces genuine difficulties in down to earth application, for appropriating a portion of the fixed overheads, for example, the CEOs pay on a for each item use premise, is close to inconceivable. Additionally, procedure of information assortment, information passage, andâ data investigation requiredâ to partition the fixed overhead expenses among units dependent on use, requires considerable assets and stays exorbitant to keep up. Retention costing that separates all fixed overhead expenses with the quantity of units delivered is a straightforward and simple methodology and liberated from such complexities. Lawful Validity Ingestion costing conforms to theâ generally acknowledged bookkeeping principles (GAAP) though the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) don't acknowledge ABC for remotely distributed fiscal summaries. Firms that follow movement based costing, along these lines, need to keep up two cost frameworks and bookkeeping books, one for interior use, and another for outside reports, filings, and legal consistence. Distinction in Scope Assimilation costing finds out the general productivity or effectiveness of the assembling framework yet neglects to give the genuine expense of individual item units. Action based costing mirrors the working of theâ enterpriseâ and adds to key dynamic procedures. ABC gives the genuine expense of individual item units and, accordingly, distinguishes wasteful or non-gainful items that eat into the benefit of other profoundly beneficial items. ABC additionally helps value items evenhandedly, permitting separating of item or administration into sub-parts or offering top ups dependent on client needs. Looking at assimilation costing and movement based costing, action based costing improves the nature of the executives bookkeeping data, particularly in enormous and multi-item activities where customary overhead designation strategies, for example, ingestion costing may deliver deceiving results. Retention costing, notwithstanding, stays progressively reasonable for little firms andâ enterprisesâ with homogeneous items or administrations. Suggestion and usage I prescribe to present action based costing framework as its progressively reasonable for the open assistance industry.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Information Communication Technology in Agriculture Essay

Data Communication Technology in Agriculture - Essay Example Notwithstanding utilizing current existing innovation creation is coming out poor, which implies there are some basic factors that are influencing it. In this paper different methodologies will be taken to sift through the key purposes of this issue. Ranchers will be met legitimately or in a roundabout way so as to get their perspectives about whether they are accepting appropriate data and information or not; or the data given to them is adequate and reasonable or not. After legitimate study Information Communication Technology (ICT) will be utilized to redress them. This paper for the most part focuses on various extents of ICT in the field of farming. Urbanization which legitimately influences the farming area. Before urbanization legitimate information ashore the board is essential. Assume one land that can oblige 100 people enough however because of ill-advised land the executives just 50 people groups are getting set. It results into increment in urban region pointlessly. This issue can be settled utilizing data innovation where, individuals' propensities, tastes and ways of life are examined and as per that ideal neighborhood can be characterized. Climatic changes like flood dry season, climate changes additionally have impacts on foods1. The present innovation that can be utilized for modern factual figuring so as to get thought of climatic change and dependent on that, means are taken. The most significant factor is missing ... The most significant factor is missing of appropriate information among general society with respect to the better utilizing of assets. Here Information Communication Technology (ICT) assumes one essential job. ICT is the best apparatus for sharing information among ranchers. Setting up rustic system will upgrade ranchers' thought trading capacity. Aside from that utilizing remote homestead counseling framework through camera and remote, sufficient data can be conveyed. Research Questions Research proposition begins with examine question or speculation. For this examination look into questions are: 1. What are the essential issues that horticulture industry is confronting today 2. Will Information Communication Technology (ICT) work better for these cases 3. In the event that yes to address 2, at that point till what degree it will fill our need Targets The fundamental motivation behind this examination is to perceive how data correspondence innovation will be utilized for better horticultural purposes. This exploration will deliver the issues identified with ranchers' mindfulness and utilization of ICT to conquer the issues. The heading of this work will have two three significant stages as research questions. Initial one is experiencing existing literary works and apparatuses to bring up the center issues, the fundamental factors which are answerable for that corruption and furthermore the degree they are influencing. Second stage will check whether ICT can make any improvement over the current ones. Inspecting and review will be done in this stage. After scientist is certain enough with ICT approach at last, a few philosophies will be proposed to actualize the thought and afterward execution of these arrangements will be finished. Method of reasoning The above figures are models delineating the usage of land

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

A Broken Leg, And A Play With Impact The Good and Bad that RENT Can Do

A Broken Leg, And A Play With Impact The Good and Bad that RENT Can Do Fox aired a live show of Rent on Sunday, January 27. At least, that was the plan. Rogers actor Brennin Hunt broke his leg, and he didnt have an understudy. Fox decided to release the dress rehearsal, which cameras had taped the previous day, while the audience that showed up for the show got a live concert with Hunt singing. Hunt was a good sport, performing while using a wheelchair and staying in character. People didnt like the choice, and made their opinion clear. They would have preferred an understudy so that the show could go on, as the saying goes, or to see the live concert. Viewers asked why they couldnt see the raw, passionate emotional music and the breakdown into giggles. They compared the event to when the shows creator Jonathan Larson died before his show premiered in 1996, and the cast decided to simply do a read-through and song concert for Larsons family. I will say, what I saw of Rent on Sunday was fun and enjoyable. Jordan Fisher portrayed an endearing Mark who knows hes flawed and seems to worry that hes just making art for the sake of making art. We got some rocking choreography, and a sense of fun. Rent is a seductive work that prioritizes the concept of making art over protesting or acting to improve ones life situation. It follows a group of friends who are filming, composing, or teaching in the middle of the 1980sâ€"90s AIDS crisis, when the Reagan government decided to take the homophobic blind eye route. Mark, first played by the brilliant Anthony Rapp, starts filming his friends livesâ€"Roger laments not living long enough to write one last song; Joanne and Maureen dance around how Maureen doesnt want the straight-laced commitment that her girlfriend offers; a dancer named Mimi wants to date Roger but knows he doesnt like her junkie habits; Professor Collins starts a relationship with a street drummer named Angelâ€"as AIDS and death creep closer. Their landlord Benny promised them one free year of rent but has to backtrack and demands they work together. Showing A Glamorous Time and Ignoring the Tragedy As Lindsay Ellis discusses in her video essay on Rent, the musical overlooks the fight for AIDS activists to prevent the pandemic in the 1980s, while alluding to an abstract revolution. Most of the characters with AIDs are people of color, but Mark our cameraman is a white dude without the disease and decides to chronicle it as a means of coping with losing his friends. (I like Mark, actually.) In all honesty, the concern is that Rent provides an inaccurate picture of what life was actually like for people living with AIDS at the time, and fighting for better treatment. Alexander Chee, in his memoir How to Write an Autobiographical Novel: Essays, talks about going to marches, facing the risk of arrest or police assault, and how there was nothing to do but march because otherwise people wouldnt listen. There wasnt a choice but to stand up and fight. Then we have the dilemma Mark brings up in the play: is he really chronicling his friends as a tribute, or is he just exploiting their pain for an intrinsic artistic value? He and Roger are proudly not speaking to their parents, who call frequently and leave worried voicemails; they could easily move back home, no questions asked, and develop their art in a less stressful environment. Giving Us A Way to Cope with Pain On the other hand, Rent accurately nails the pain of succumbing to disease, the fear of death. Will I? is a song in round, where multiple people ask if they will lose [their] dignity, will someone care? When characters die, we feel the weight. The whole cast makes a temporary truce with Benny, their landlord and primary antagonist, who agrees to pay for Angels funeral and for Mimis rehab. When I listen to the songs, I think about my dad, and my reasons for writing or creating. My dad died from cancer, but the loss is still there. I have memories of how frail he became, and how he shaved his hair because of the chemotherapy. And I question if I want to tell stories just for the fun of it, and if I ever step out of my lane. Anthony Rapp, in his memoir  Without You: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and the Musical Rent, understood the power. Rent was his first big break, and he mentions performing in the play while his mother became ill, and when he struggled to extricate himself from an abusive relationship. The lyrics struck a chord as his mother got to see one performance where he gave it his all as Mark. Rapp was also someone who initiated that the concert tribute to Larson became the full show. In La Vie Boheme, Mark jumps on a restaurant table to start the song and engage the crowd. Rapp decided that the songs energy couldnt lend itself to merely singing, and so he jumped on the table. The cast followed suit. Ways to Share the Good and Bad, and Pay for the Dead Twitter reached a consensus Sunday that if you know Rents problematic issues, then it should be fine to watch the show and enjoy the music. As long as we remember the dead, then we can celebrate the living and the performing. For what its worth, we can take something problematic and turn it to a force of good. Rapp performed a loving parody of La Vie Boheme at Leaky Con in 2013, which included a plug for the Esther Earl Charity Ball at the convention. You can tell he had fun dressing up as a Time Lord. Engaging with art shows what kind of person we are. As long as we go in with both eyes open and knowing context, then we arent terrible people. I imagine most of us will be paying rent this year.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Do Video Games Lead Violence - 1537 Words

Do Video Games Lead To Violence What happened to riding bikes around the neighborhood? Did the evolution of the technology helped the society to have a better understanding about each other, or was it the opposite? It has been a queer about it. Since the technology advanced, there are these video games, which have taken place engaging people on a deeper level causing some advantages and disadvantages in our society. Playing video games can lead to an aggressive behavior like fighting, bulling or abusing. However, referring to some people, they think that these video games reflect a big support in children memory that could bring them a bigger vision at school, but not according to Poole. S, who based to a new research thinks that â€Å"Video games will make your kids violent and more likely to fail at school† Web. (2000, Apr 26). There are statistics that shows how in 1996 the U.S entertainment software industry accounted 2.6 billion on sales and after twenty years later was increased to 11.7 billion profits. Most of the video games have become so realistic that withdraw people physically and mentally. Therefore, children at young age are more liable to oppose such aggressive behaviors because of spending at least 13.7 hours a week on the computer or on the play station, playing games. But, spending a quality time in front of the computer playing harmful games, the National Institute of Mental Health(NIMH) reported that the conscious of video game players have been partlyShow MoreRelatedViolent Video Games1485 Words   |  6 PagesHow does violence in video games affect people? Sometimes people think about video games and think oh no big deal but there is a lot that goes into them and they can have different effects on people. Violent video games have the most effect on people and most of them are negative. Educational games tend to have the best effect on people and can help them. Many people argue both sides and do not see them for what they are and think my kids won’t be affected but they will as more articles state andRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Children1519 Words   |  7 PagesVideo games in the 21st century have transformed from friendly competing into guns, explosions, and major violence. Video games are getting away with more violence every year and the games are becoming more extreme. The consistence and severity of violence is at an all-time high leading the most popular games in the gaming community to have a ‘mature’ rating due to the considerable amount of violence involved. For example, one of the highest selling video games of all time grossing one billion itsRead MoreVideo Games : Video Game Violence Essay1693 Words   |  7 PagesVideo Game Violence Blood and gore, intense violence, strong sexual content, use of drugs. These are just a few of the phrases that the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) uses to describe the content of several games. The future of entertainment revolves around technology. Along with the evolvement of technology, video games are also changing. More ways of playing violent video games are created each year, but most of us have this question in mind; do violent video games influence peopleRead More Video Games Violence Essay1580 Words   |  7 Pageschild has played video games once in their lives. There are various genres and types of video games such as action, first person shooters, adventure, education, role-playing, strategy, and many more. 89% of video games contain some violent content (Slife, 2008). The most addictive, common, and popular video games among children are the violent video games (Slife, 2008). A lot of video games these days depict â€Å"real-life violence† meaning th at the settings and plots of these video games are taken fromRead MoreEssay about Do Video Games really Cause Violence?1028 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"No one is suggesting that [violent video games are] the only reason they went out and committed those horrific acts, but was it a tipping point? Was it something that pushed them over the edge? Was it a factor in that? Perhaps. That’s a really big deal,† This is a really controversial subject amongst gamers and parents, on whether violent video games cause real-life violence. Lots of people think they do, while lots of people think they don’t. There is research that points both ways in the subjectRead MoreVideo Games And Real Violence944 Words   |  4 PagesVideo games and real violence, is there a relationship? Just take a minute and think about the question. According to HealthLine news 91% of kids play video games and 90% of these video games are violent video games. So one would automatically assume video games promote real violence. I believe this is not true and through expert analysis and through my own experience I will not only show but, prove that video games do not promote violence. I have been playing video games for as long as I can rememberRead More Violent Video Games did Not Cause the Columbine High School Shooting1634 Words   |  7 PagesThe question is: did playing Doom lead to him being a violent child, or did being a violent child lead him to playing Doom? Proceeding my perusal of articles and research, written by authors with scientific credentials or otherwise, I have concluded that video games are no more to blame for the ebullition found in today’s society than any other possible cause. However, the incessant brouhaha as well as the negative notoriety surrounding media and video games refuses to cease or let up. TheseRead MoreCensoring of Violent Video Games1152 Words   |  5 PagesThere has always been controversy as to whether violent video games should be censored. Video games should be censored for the good of society. Video games do harm to teens and society due to making teens accumulate frustrations,makes teens think violence is acceptable in problem solving, and makes them very unhealthy but it also does some good, such as helps teens control their emotions, makes them conscious of what is good from what is bad, and helps them get rid of stress. This controversy mayRead MoreVideo Games : Can It Cause Violence?137 9 Words   |  6 PagesVictor Chau Professor Myers ENGL-1301 Video Games: Can it cause violence? Any action against violent video games should be met with more research and that any banning of violent video games should come under more significant scrutiny. For sometime, many people consider violent video games to be the cause of violent behavior in the younger generations. However there are also people who would refute such claims that violent video games are the causes of tragedies, and would point to another reasonRead MoreDo Violent Video Games Make People More Violent?1277 Words   |  6 PagesDo Violent Video Games Make People More Violent in Real Life? The American Psychological Association reports that more than 90% of children in the United States play video games.Among kids between the ages of 12 and 17, the number rises to 97%. The psychological group also reported that 85% or more of video games on the market contain some form of violence (Do Video Games Lead to Violence). A video game may be considered violent if it contains â€Å"violent† language, gore/blood, and crime. Video games

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Racism Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass

The controversy of racism scorches Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass written by Frederick Douglass himself. Douglass unveils the atrocious truth about slavery that was hidden for so many years. Every beating, every death, every malicious act was all recorded for the people of the U.S. to finally see the error of our ways. The short essay, Slavery as a Mythologized Institution, explains how people in that time period justified the disgusting behavior that was demonstrated regularly. Religion and intellectual inferiority were concepts that were used to manipulate the minds of everyone around into believing that practicing slavery was acceptable. However a very courageous man, Frederick Douglass challenges those beliefs. Douglass debunks the mythology of slavery in his narrative by rebuking the romantic image of slavery with very disturbing imagery, promotes his own views on the intellectual belief of slaves, and exposes the â€Å"system† for promoting the disloyalty a mong slaves. What the average person does not know about slavery is all of the inhumane behavior that was tolerated. To describe these acts as cruel would be an understatement, Douglass does not hold back on the tragedies he witnessed and he does not hold back on sharing them with the world. For so many years slave owners comforted themselves in the thought of the romantic image of slavery, claiming it was God’s will to let these people suffer, claiming that it was not an extreme environment. The onlyShow MoreRelated Racism and the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave1130 Words   |  5 PagesExamining Prevalent Attitudes on Racism and the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave When we look at the issue of racism from a politically correct, nineties perspective, evidence of the oppression of black people may be obscured by the ways in which our society deals with the inequalities that still exist. There are no apparent laws that prohibit or limit opportunities for blacks in our society today, yet there is a sense that all things are not fair and equal. HowRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Essay1102 Words   |  5 PagesDate Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Writing in the favor of black people has always remained controversial from the very beginning. Critics regard such writing as â€Å"a highly conventionalized genre† indicating that â€Å"its status as literature was long disputed but the literary merits of its most famous example such as Frederick Douglass s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass†¦are widely recognized today.† (Ryan:537) Despite of such severe resistance, writers like Douglass have pennedRead MoreLife Of Frederick Douglas And Benito Cerano Essay1576 Words   |  7 Pages(Lyndon B. Johnson). Frederick Douglas and Herman Melville lived in the same time for almost the same length of time. Herman Melville lived from August, 1819 – September 28, 1891, while Frederick Douglass lived from February, 1818 – February 20, 1895. Yet these two narratives couldn’t have been more different. While taking a look at the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas and Benito Cerano we can see these two insights of their world. I will be delving into how these two narratives show the condoningRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Analysis1198 Words   |  5 Pagesand revived within me a sense of my own manhood. It recalled the departed self-confidence, and inspired me again with a determination to be free.† (Douglass 43). The event that transpired in this quote is of most significant because without it Frederick Douglass wouldn’t have had the motivation to be free. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass outlines the horrors of slavery. The primary reason for racial tension in contemporary American culture is that we as a nation have not come to a consensusRead MoreIncidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Essay1513 Words   |  7 Pagesof their degradation.’ Her book ‘Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl’ is one of the most important fugitive slave narratives. She wrote during the same time as Frederick Douglass, al though she was hesitant to publish her story. She was a part of the abolitionist movement and was a former slave, very much like Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass was an influential writer and abolitionist speaker who was born into slavery in Maryland as Frederick Bailey. He worked as a slave on farms in the EasternRead MoreFrederick Douglass Should Be Considered A Maryland State1471 Words   |  6 PagesFrederick Douglass should be considered a Maryland State Author despite the deplorable societal conditions that constrained lives of African-Americans. Frederick Douglass managed to rise above them, and ascended from the society’s lowest conditions of slavery and racism, to become an important, and a strong proponent of change in the ancient American society. Because of his enthusiasm to work towards achieving change for himself and for society, he has received tribute of admiration from variousRead MoreThe Connection Between The Bondage Of Mind And Of The Body 921 Words   |  4 PagesThe connection between the ‘bondage of mind’ and the ‘bondage of the body’ as found in the southern ide ology justifying slavery; The notion of slavery seems foreign to the majority of people today, but for our ancestors and Frederick Douglass it was a very real part of life. The concept of slavery is one that people today find unfathomable, particularly in the justification of slavery and why people owned slaves. The institution of slavery is as old as civilization itself existing in various formsRead MoreFrederick Douglass Essay559 Words   |  3 PagesFrederick Douglass Born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey on Marylands Eastern Shore in 1818, he was the son of a slave woman and, her white master. Upon his escape from slavery at age 20, he adopted the name of the hero of Sir Walter Scotts The Lady of the Lake. Douglass immortalized his years as a slave in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845). This and two other autobiographies, My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) and The Life and Times of Frederick DouglassRead MoreGender Specific Slavery During The Period Of The Civil War1198 Words   |  5 Pagesslaves. In social reformer and writer Frederick Douglass’ Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave he writes of rebelling against his physically abusive owners and triumphantly gaining freedom. In writer Harriet Ann Jacobs narrative Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Jacobs writes of rebelling against her sexually abusive owner and gradually attaining her freedom, yet claims to still be unsa tisfied. Douglass’ triumphant outcome in his narrative argues that the reason behind Jacobs’Read MoreThe Intelligent Civil Rights Activist By Frederick Douglass1084 Words   |  5 Pagesactivist Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in Maryland on February 1818. His born given name, Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, seemed to be a fairytale name to an unusual life because his father was a white planation owner who was most likely Douglass s first slave master, named Captain Anthony. Possibly it was Harriet Bailey who gave her son Frederick such a distinguished name wishing that his life would be superior than hers. His mother couldn’t imagine that her son s life would continue

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

“Hunger Games” Movie vs Book Free Essays

The Hunger Games The Hunger Games is the first novel of The Hunger Games series written by Suzanne Collins in 2008. This novel is written in the first person point of view of the main character, Katniss Everdeen. Throughout the story, Katniss’s opinions are made clear to the audience. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Hunger Games† Movie vs Book or any similar topic only for you Order Now This intriguing novel shares Katniss’s struggles and overall victory of the 74th Annual Hunger Games. The Hunger Games story takes place in a post-apocalyptic society. The Capitol is a highly advance city that holds reign over the 12 districts. The Hunger Games is an annual contest hosted by the Capitol in which each district offers one boy and girl chosen by lottery or by choice, if willing. These tributes fight to the death in an arena where they have to fight for weapons and necessities for survival. Prim Everdeen, Katniss’s sister, is chosen by lottery to be tribute for District 12. Without hesitation, Katniss volunteers to be the tribute for District 12. Katniss and Peeta, the boy tribute from her district, are transported to the Capitol. This is where the audience gets to see the difference between the 12 districts. Katniss’s district, District 12, is the poorest, where many people starve to death; however, District 1 is the wealthiest and don’t face the same challenges as Katniss. The tributes from District 1 and 2 are trained from birth to be tributes in the Hunger Games. These â€Å"Career† tributes volunteer themselves to participate in the Hunger Games and believe it is an honor to serve their district. This story leads the audience in further when Peeta confesses his love for Katniss during the interviews held prior to the Games. When the Games begin, Katniss shows her true ability to survive in the wilderness. She uses her knowledge from surviving in District 12 to help her eat and sleep high in the trees. In the beginning of the Hunger Games, Peeta forms an alliance with the Career tributes, while Katniss forms an alliance and friendship with Rue, the tribute from District 11. After Rue is killed, Katniss is back to surviving the games on her own until the announcer informs the tributes that two contestants can win if they are from the same district. Katniss finds Peeta and nurses him back to health. Finally, the only tributes that are left are Katniss, Peeta, and the Career Tribute from District 1. The tribute is eaten by â€Å"mutations†, which nearly killed Katniss and Peeta. However, the tributes from District 12 are not out of the Games, because the announcer tells them that the rules have changed once again and now only one may be victor. When neither Katniss nor Peeta can kill each other, they decide to eat the night lock berries which would kill them immediately. Quickly, the announcer declares that Katniss and Peeta are both the victors of the 74th Annual Hunger Games. The Hunger Games was later turned into a movie in 2012. The book and the movie have several similarities. In both the movie and the novel, Katniss volunteers for the Games, saving her sister Prim. Another comparison is the Capitol’s power amongst the 12 districts. The most important similarity is that in both the novel and the movie, Peeta states that he does not want the Games to change him, for he wants to stay true to himself. Katniss does not know how that is possible, until she participates in the Hunger Games. In both the movie and the novel, Peeta does not murder any other tributes during the Games. The novel has some major differences as well. The mockingjay pin that Katniss wears for good luck represents District 12. In the book she receives this gift from the mayor’s daughter, Madge; however, in the movie, Katniss receives this pin from her younger sister, Prim. Another difference is Katniss’s relationship with her ally Rue. In the book, the author emphasizes their relationship and how they work together as a team during the Hunger Games. However, in the movie they keep their relationship short. The last difference occurs at the end of the novel. In the novel the beasts that kill the last tribute are called â€Å"muttations. † There are 9 of these beasts which resemble the fallen tributes. In the movie they are just beastly looking mutated dogs. The Hunger Games is a great book. It shows the differences in social class and has many underlying meanings. The movie was just as good and follows the plot very well. It was a little more futuristic looking than I had imagined from the novel, but still captured the overall theme well. How to cite â€Å"Hunger Games† Movie vs Book, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ephesian Effusions Essay Example For Students

Ephesian Effusions Essay Shakespeares Comedy of Errors is a madcap romp of mistakings and misadventures, wrapping together two Plautine comedies sauced with Scripture and Renaissance poetry. Yet the tangled web of estranged family that Shakespeare weaves holds significant differences from any of his originals, pointing to ideas about family and marriage that Shakespeare no doubt held, and was to develop further in later works. Plautus Menaechmi yields a basic framework for Shakespeares plot: two long-separated brothers mistaken for one another. Yet Plautus two brothers differ markedly in attitude: one is gay, generous, and fun-loving, the other shrewd, calculating, and cynical. Shakespeares Antipholi seem as confused as their Menaechmi relations, but more interchangeable in general temperament. Plautus Amphitryon provides the idea of doubling servants as well as masters, but these are duplicates by divine action: one set are disguised gods fully aware of the situation, the other confused mortals. So why the device of like-behaving mortal twins? Perhaps it is in the family members Shakespeare adds Egeon, Aemilia, Luciana that we discover the motives for his adaptations. One of the main themes of Shakespearean comedy is that of the new community: thus the stereotypical round of marriages that is a given for almost any comic Act V. Here we have only one new marriage, between (Syracusan) Antipholus Erotes an d Luciana, the restoration of happiness to (Ephesian) Antipholus Sereptus and formerly shrewish Adriana, and the renewal of Egeon and Aemilias long-sundered wedding bonds (taken and developed from Gowers Confessio Amantis). But the characters begin the play almost wholly sundered from community: Egeon has long lost both wife and half his progeny, and abandoned his known son for a seven years search; Antipholus Erotes seems blithely unaware of his fathers presence in town, so complete is their separation; even Antipholus Sereptus is estranged from his wife Adriana, not enjoying the fruitful state of marriage that must be the lot of comic characters. They are all awash in a capitalist society of business and bonds, with little room for generosity but much for the Officer, debtors prison, and harsh laws against Syracusan foreigners that even the Duke cannot overturn. Here St. Paul enters the fray, with the prescriptions of his Epistle to the Ephesians (!): Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. (Eph. 5:22, 25, 28). Through Lucianas philosophy and Aemilias revelation of Adrianas shrewishness, The Comedy of Errors shows, in a more dilute form, the same philosophy of mutual and cooperative subjection that Shakespeare is to explore more fully in The Taming of the Shrew a few years later. Without the structure and society a family yields, a Shakespearean character is lost amidst the riot and chaos of civilization: sour Jaques abandoning the Arden weddings, ascetic Malvolio bound in the dank cellarage, mad Lear wandering the heath, Leontes pining for his lost Hermione. Comedy of Errors is prologue and experiment for dramatic families to come. Bibliography:none

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Passion for Fashion Essay Essay Example

Passion for Fashion Essay Essay Example Passion for Fashion Essay Paper Passion for Fashion Essay Paper Fashion plays an of import function in the day-to-day life of every person. It starts with make up ones minding what to have on. how to have on it. and so forth. Imagine the universe without manner. Not a nice one is it? Every single owes esteem to those sub-rosa people who are responsible for doing the universe so stylish ; one in peculiar a manner seller. A calling as a Fashion Marketer is an interesting calling filled with nil but manner. escapade. and exhilaration. Bing a Manner Marketer is an tickle pinking yet non so elusive calling. It is a sellers occupation to advance manner. They want to bring forth the populaces involvement in new manners and merchandises. Manner selling involves advertisement. but it is more than that. Manner sellers have to be on the film editing border backing the right things at the right clip. They connect the populace with the universe of manner. and they help put tendencies ( Stone 4 ) . To work in this field an person will hold to hold the assured features neededA individuals occupation should reflect their personality and expose the individuals features. In the manner industry there are many personalities. many of them being narcissistic 1s. Enthusiasm. flexibleness. and a positive attitude are indispensable features necessary to happen success in the retail industry. ( Retail Marketing Careers. ) A individual can besides use his or her basic accomplishments such as computing machine literacy. working good with people and a strong work moral principle to the tabular array when using for a calling in Fashion Marketing. Generally light travel is required to work in marketing retail. Stress and a small committedness and overtime are involved. nevertheless. nil to extreme. This allows workers to pass more clip with their households. On a day-to-day footing a individual may come across an person who is chesty and discourteous. but this can go on at any occupation. Those working in retail besides have more clip to go involved in the community. It is non simple and non excessively complex going a Fashion Marketer or working in the selling field every bit long as it fits with the persons personality. Of class. everyone knows nowadays a high school sheepskin means nil any longer. College grades. preparation or any enfranchisement subsequent to high school is compulsory for success. To go a manner seller one would necessitate to major in Fashion Merchandising or Marketing and minor in concern Fieldss such as accounting. concern disposal. or selling merely to develop the concern facet of the Fashion Merchandising field. An single can have an Associates grade. Bachelors degree or Masters depending on the person. Schools offering the Fashion Merchandising plan are preponderantly in New York and California ; nevertheless. local community colleges and universities should non be overlooked. Other universities known to offer the plan are University of MD Eastern Shore ; Morgan State University ; F. I. T. ( Fashion Institute of Technology ) ; and AIP ( Art Institute of Philadelphia ) . Some classs required to accomplish in this field are accounting. concern jurisprudence. psychological science. selling. advertisement and promoting. and entrepreneurship. and Intro to manner ( Stone 6-8 ) . Although holding a grade is non a bare necessity to acquire into the manner industry. it helps to hold one so chances will ever be available. Having a grade will besides better 1s salaryA manner sellers salary scopes on experience and cognition. More frequently it is how much experience a individual has instead than his or her cognition. Wages for novices start every bit low as $ 15. 000-29. 000 a twelvemonth depending on the business ( Retail ) . As 1s experience or cognition additions so do the rewards. At an intermediate degree the salary starts anyplace from $ 33. 873-76. 450 a twelvemonth. At the executive or advanced degree wages range from $ 84. 923-119. 140 a twelvemonth. Location is the cardinal when make up ones minding on what business fits 1s standards because the loca tion besides determines 1s salary ( Advertising ) . The mentality on callings in manner selling and any calling in manner overall is expected to turn more easy than norm through 2014 ( Retail ) . Sluggish occupation growing may be due to the new prominence of price reduction shops. super centres and warehouse shops. offering bargain-priced vesture without the frills and fancy shop shows of high-end section shops. The Internet may besides cut into gross revenues. However. even with unenrgetic occupation growing. basic retailing occupations should still be comparatively easy to happen. merely because this is a really big field with a high turnover rate ( Retail ) . And top degree selling occupations will be highly competitory no affair how fast the concern is turning. It is truly all about location. Know what works and make non allow wages find your calling. Travel with what suits your personality best. Plants Cited â€Å"Advertising. Selling. Promotions. Public Relations. and Gross saless Directors. † hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bls. gov. 04 Aug. 2006. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U. S. Department of Labor. 22 Aug. 2007. â€Å"Retail Selling Careers. † World Wide Web. Careeroverview. Com. 24 Apr. 2007. Stone. Elaine. The Dynamics of Fashion. 2nd Ed. New York: Fairchild Publications Inc. . 2004. 04-10.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Discussions questions-Managing Human Resources Essay

Discussions questions-Managing Human Resources - Essay Example The human resource department is extremely essential to an organisation; the presence of human resource function shows how the human capital is valued in the company (Pieper, 1990). Human resource capital is extremely essential to any company’s bottom-line, in a relative small business, or a middle tier company; employees usually carry out cross functional activities and hence, when one employee leaves this affects the whole company’s profitability and this leaves a massive gap to be filled. In situations where the company is experiencing capital short falls, or it’s forced to reduce the number of employees, the human resource function is the one that comes up with the method of reducing the number of employees. This is a form of budget control functions that the human resource function is responsible for the other include negotiating for a better pay, salary analysis, and in a small companies that have a limited budget this function is crucial. Give the diversit y of the workers in workplace; conflicts are inevitable, human resource employees in the organisation help in resolving these conflicts. This function assess the necessary skills of the organisation, when the skills that are required for the company are identified, human resource function trains the employees on the necessary skills. The employee satisfaction is one of the functions of HR; this function is responsible for employee motivation, morale and other necessary needs needed. These needs are needed for the smooth functioning of the company (Susan & Jackson, 2008). These human needs and the other employee benefits are crucial for employee satisfaction; in order to improve the performance of the company, these needs and other benefits are decisive of developing performance management skills, the human resource functions develop a plan with the employee, to set up targets and how they will be achieved. Human resource function is responsible for recruitment of employees, rewardin g the employees, and employee retentions in the organisation. Has affirmative action outlived its usefulness? Affirmative action was introduced to ensure that employed workers are treated fairly in their workplace. It was coined to make sure that employees are not mistreated in due regard of their race, gender, colour or origins. This action exists because there was the need to correct the past mistakes that took place in the companies. As long as these discriminations persists in the work place than affirmative action has not outlived its usefulness. Where there is discrimination in the recruitment of workers, training and the rewards schemes the company adopts, than an immediate action needs to be taken to change this behaviour. People should not face any form of discrimination; everyone deserves a fair chance of to access any opportunities that are available. In most societies, discrimination still exists, and people face unfair treatments (Resources, 2008). People of a certain t ribe, gender and colour, is required over others. The disadvantages groups that exist in this society should be given the similar opportunities as anyone else. Affirmative action is required to bring fair treatment to everyone in society (Pieper, 1990). Sexual harassment policies Sexual harassment is any unwanted form of sexual behaviours, verbal or

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

SWOT Analysis of Lesson Plans Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

SWOT Analysis of Lesson Plans - Assignment Example An immediate awareness of the shortcomings of anyone’s teaching can be achieved by the kind of review of actual lessons â€Å"after the fact† engaged in above. This is certainly a worthwhile and effective process, in line with the thinking of numerous writers in the field. A reflective, innovative approach is necessary (Hattie, 2003). Central to the practice of my teaching is a need to make decisions regarding the precise and exact intention of particular lessons. While I do believe that I want to achieve an inclusive, diversity-embracing classroom experience for students, the exact aims and outcomes of my lessons are sometimes not clear to the students, and perhaps not even to me. A clear and communicative statement of what we hope to achieve is necessary in every lesson and I will be sure to formulate this exactly in future lessons. I am of the opinion that it is essential to respect the originating cultures and identities of the ESL students I teach (see: Ashman, 2009, and others). Sometimes I do not achieve this ideal as the content I work with covers only the Australian experience – I believe this is so because I am concentrating on ensuring that my students become comfortable and familiar with their adopted culture. This is not a bad thing, but I do aim to provide more opportunities for students to share their cultures and identities with one another in class, while not neglecting the improvement of their knowledge and familiarity with Australian contexts. Tied to the opinion above is the idea that the content we are working with should be accessible to the students, and interesting to them within their experience. If they are able to connect the content we are dealing with to prior learning and earlier experiences and knowledge, I am certain their progress will be more effective (Davis, Sumara, & Luce-Kapler, 2008). My personal relationship with students and my interactions with them do, I believe, reflect mutual respect, and my acknowledgement and appreciation for their cultures, but it is also true that I could incorporate this attitude into the actual practice of my teaching, in line with UNESCO (2001) guidelines. It is difficult for me to release some control of assessment in the classroom: my instinct is to want to measure and grade student achievement myself exclusively. Yet, on the occasions when I do ask students to assist one another, and even to point out one another’s errors, they do manage to do so effectively. The incorporation of peer teaching is relatively simple for me; the incorporation of peer assessment is something I will have to work on. Black and Dylan (2001) encourage a highly interactive, dynamic assessment environment, which I would like to emulate. Timing is something which I also have to concentrate on. There have been occasions when the work I assigned to one group of student – for example the Beginner students – was complete long before I had finished with the other group of more advanced students. A focus on getting to know the learning pace and the learning style of each of my students is something I aspire to. Individualised learning is something a successful teacher must be able to come to grips with (Hattie, 2003). When students are paired up, and work together, or are given sufficient reading, with dictionary work tied to it, I find that there is enough time to get to each student, and to deal with differing ability groups effectively. This is, though, not always easy to predict.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Martin Luther And His 95 Theses

Martin Luther And His 95 Theses Nailed to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517 on the eve of All Saints Day (according to Philip Melanchton, Luthers colleague in Wittenberg University), Martin Luthers 95 theses paved the way for the birth of a great spiritual movement called the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation ultimately signaled the end of the Medieval Age and the inauguration of modern times. What Luther intended to be a set of propositional statements to be debated upon over the abuses associated with the sale of the indulgences very soon became the key that unlocked the door towards the long-awaited reformation of the church of the late Medieval Christendom. The Sale of the Indulgences The doctrine of indulgences is peculiar to the Roman Catholic Church, unknown to the church fathers, and most importantly, to the apostles of Christ. It is basically defined as a certificate of forgiveness granted by a bishop or an archbishop within his diocese for the remission of the temporal punishment of sin both on earth and in purgatory, the alleged source of which was the surplus of merit and grace accumulated through the lives of Christ, the Virgin Mary and the saints of the Church. What most particularly attracted Luthers attention in this regard was the extravagant preaching associated with the sale of the indulgences in Germany by a Dominican friar Johann Tetzel. Tetzel was commissioned by Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeburg, to raise funds for the rebuilding of Saint Peters Basilica in Rome. As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, Tetzel proclaimed, the soul from purgatory springs. Luthers long quest for truth that resulted in his discovery of the biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone must have been the reason why he indignantly reacted to such a deceptive message that offered false hopes to those who bought the indulgences for themselves and their departed loved ones on account of their ignorance of the true gospel of Christ. The 97 Theses Before the 95 Theses Convinced that he must challenge the traditional views purported by the Roman Catholic Church for centuries, he published a set of 97 theses to be debated in an academic setting among his colleagues at Wittenberg University. The theses attacked many of the major tenets of the Church with a clear message in mind: that the gospel was entirely different from what had been commonly held. Luther expected the theses to cause a stir among the participants which in turn would allow him to divulge his great discovery. To his disappointment, they only mustered little interest. Martin Luther and His 95 Theses Despite such a cold response to his 97 theses, Luther composed another set of theses which he called The Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of the Indulgences, now popularly known as the 95 theses. Like the 97 theses, this new set of theses was also meant to provoke academic discussion among his colleagues in the university. They may have been an afterthought to a letter he sent to Albrecht through which he aired his disagreement on the sale of the indulgences. However, scholars are divided whether the Luther of the 95 theses was still a Roman Catholic clergyman at this time or already a Protestant Reformer. On the one hand, Luther appeared to have thought Pope Leo X was on his side in this matter. Some scholars even suggest (probably following the church historian Philip Schaff) that he was not protesting against the indulgences, but only against its abuse. On the other hand, a closer look at the document would reveal one thing for sure: what Luther was up against was not simply the sale of the indulgences but its theological underpinnings. As Princeton theologian Benjamin Warfield puts it, They constitute, in point of fact, a theological document of the first importance, working out a complete and closely knit argument against, not the abuses of the indulgence traffic, and not even the theory of indulgences, merely, but the whole sacerdotal conception of the saving process an outgrowth and embodiment of which indulgences were. While there may be apparent remainders of Roman Catholicism in the theses, they nonetheless assert the evangelical Protestant doctrine of salvation that refuted the sacerdotal system that was largely built on tradition instead of the Bible. In summary, the 95 theses proclaimed that indulgences cannot remit guilt as such a work belongs to God alone, that they are unable to make souls spring from the Purgatory, and that the truly repentant sinner has already received the forgiveness of God and is justified by faith alone. Sources: Gonzalez, Justo. The Story of Christianity Volume 2. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 1985. Schaff, Phillip. History of the Christian Church Volume VII. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997. Warfield, Benjamin Breckenridge. The Ninety-Five Theses in Their Theological Significance. The Princeton Theological Review, xv. 1917, pp. 501-529. Copyright Edwin Vargas. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

United States Attack And Ballistic Nuclear Submarines :: essays papers

United States Attack And Ballistic Nuclear Submarines The United States Navy has developed over the years to form one of the world's most powerful forces. The nuclear submarine is one of the major components responsible for achieving this status. The nuclear submarines have evolved over time in: design, construction, and weapons to become the most feared deterrence force ever. Tom Clancy, a well-known author and naval expert describes nuclear attack submarines (SSN&rsquos) in an excellent fashion by commenting: The modern SSN is a stealth platform with 70 percent of the worlds surface under which to hide, its endurance determined not by fuel but by the amount of food that may be crammed into the hull, and its operational limitations determined more by the skill of the commander and crew than by external factors. (XIX) Clancy also gives the complete story of nuclear submarines from the beginning. The idea of nuclear energy to power navy submarines came from an improbable origin; a United States naval officer named Hyman G. Rickover. After World War II, Rickover was transferred to the engineering department of the United States Navy. While there, he was responsible for envisioning the idea of placing small nuclear reactors in submarines and surface ships. With these reactors, vessels could travel great distances without having to replenish the their fuel supply. Most importantly for submarines, it would now allow them to stay submerged for longer periods of times instead of having to come to the surface to give air to then diesel engines (Clancy 10). According to Clancy, Rickover&rsquos main focus was submarines. In the early 1950&rsquos, a contract was signed for the production of the first nuclear submarine in the world. The boat was to be named the USS Nautilus (SSN-571) and built by Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics. The nuclear reactor in the Nautilus generated steam for the turbines as a result of pressurized water. This development was far more promising than the now Admiral Rickover and the Navy had ever dreamed (Clancy 10-11). Dalgleish and Schweikart include that when the boat was launched in 1954, it passed both performance and technological barriers. Being similar to submarines developed after 1944, the boat&rsquos speed was greater underwater than above, it did not have surface often to replenish batteries, and could remain underwater for a length of sixty days. The Nautilus became the first ever vessel to travel the Arctic from the Pacific to the Atlantic. While initiating an entirely new dimension for submarine operations, it was the first submarine to arrive at the North Pole (Dalgleish and Schweikart 6). A web site dedicated to United States submarines gives statistics about

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Management in Organisation Essay

A NEW DIRECTION FOR THE UPSTAGE THEATRE The board of the Upstage Theatre Company had assembled to hear the Artistic Director’s proposals for the following year’s season. Mark Buck, the Artistic Director, had built a reputation on his staging of popular comic seasons, and most members of the board expected a similar proposal this year. Buck entered the boardroom, and after a few general remarks, began to speak about his plans for the season. As he spoke, the board members began to look at each other with astonishment. Buck was proposing a radical departure with a Shakespearean tragedy and working up to a piece by Arthur Miller. At the end of this totally unexpected proposal he looked around at his audience. ‘Any questions’ he asked rather blandly, while privately enjoying the obvious bewilderment on the part of the board. He loved surprising people! Jean Carlisle, the chair of the board, was the only one not surprised by the proposal, as Buck had approached her several weeks ago and dropped some hints about his idea. Buck, she had a shrewd suspicion, was out primarily to promote his own career. Known as a ‘comedy man’ first and foremost, he was in danger of being typecast within the industry. Only by rounding out his production experience could he hope to progress. Carlisle, however, could see a lot of possibilities in the proposal for a ‘serious’ season, even though she knew it would be dismissed as foolhardy by a number of the established board members. Her involvement with the Upstage Theatre was based on a sincere commitment to the cultural development of the community. Lately, she had been coming under some fire from her family and friends for not urging that more ‘culturally significant’ work be performed by the Theatre. When she had first heard of Buck’s proposal, she had decided to support it and had accordingly begun to consider how best to get the board to support it as well. Now she turned to Robert Ramsay, a board member who had been brought in for his connections with the business community. ‘Well, Robert, it’s an interesting proposal we have in front of us,’ she said. ‘What do you think?’ Ramsay, she happened to know, had been considerably embarrassed in front of the board recently, as a result of his inability to raise money for the Theatre. She also knew that much of the resistance to the corporate support of the Theatre had come from the fact that its plays were not considered serious enough. Thus, Ramsay, she reasoned, would support the departure proposed by Buck. This was indeed the case. ‘I think it’s a marvellous idea. And I’m sure it’s the kind of season the financial community would support’ said Ramsay. Several others on the board protested strongly against the proposed season. The most vociferous of these was Olaf Vickers, a local playwright of some repute. Vickers had had several of his comedy works performed by the Upstage Theatre Company over the years. The argument presented by Buck, Carlisle, and Ramsay managed to quiet these objections, however, at least to the point where the board voted to examine the marketing and financial implications of the proposal and meet again in two weeks’ time. When the board met again, a month later, the battle lines were more clearly drawn. Olaf Vickers spoke first. ‘I move that we dismiss the proposal for a â€Å"tragedy’ season,† he said. ‘The Theatre has always had a reputation for comic works, and this reputation should not be thrown away lightly. I feel that our artistic director should go back and rethink his proposals.’ Jean Carlisle, however, was ready with an answer. ‘I know how you feel’, she said. ‘But I think we have to consider some other factors too. For a year now our theatre has been losing money, and how long the various arts councils will go on funding us is an open question. As I told you last year, some of the government people are very concerned that we develop more in the way of box office support and outside funding. Now, as I see it, this proposal may give us a chance to do just that. I’ve asked Mark Buck to do an unofficial survey among the town’s theatre community, and I think you’ll find the results interesting.’ The artistic director now stood up. ‘We’ve been able to put together a random sample of Theatre goers from the subscription lists of other theatres in town,’ he said. ‘I had a couple of people in the administrative office phone these people and do a straw poll survey of their preferences. The results indicate that a majority would patronise a new tragedy season. So I think we can expect some box office support for this proposal.’ He sat down and amid murmurs from the board members Carlisle then asked Ramsay to address the meeting. ‘I’ve canvassed the business community,’ he said. ‘A number of corporations have indicated their interest in supporting a â€Å"serious season† here. I think it’s safe to say that we could count on fairly generous corporate support should we decide to go ahead.’ A heated debate followed these announcements. While many of the previously uncommitted board members now leaned toward acceptance of the proposed season, a significant minority, lead by Olaf Vickers, opposed it. As the by-laws required a two- thirds majority to approve a policy change, the meeting adjourned without any decision being taken. It was decided to meet again the following week to resolve the crisis, if possible. During that week, Jean Carlisle paid a visit to Olaf Vickers. After some polite discussion of theatre matters, she came to the point. ‘You know Olaf,’ she said sadly, ‘it’s rather a pity you don’t support the proposal for a ‘serious’ season.’ ‘Why’s that?’ inquired the playwright suspiciously. ‘Well’, explained Carlisle, ‘it’s just that I was talking to Buck the other day, and he wanted to commission you to write a work to wrap up the season. He says he’s sure a serious piece by you would be just the thing to cap the year.’ ‘I’m glad that at least he remembers part of the Theatre’s original mandate,’ growled Vickers. ‘After all, the Upstage is supposed to be committed to the development of new local authors.’ ‘And it’s a commitment he takes very seriously,’ replied Carlisle. ‘And, so  do I, I can assure you. That’s why if we were to go ahead with the season he suggests, I would move that your new play be commissioned immediately. I hope we can come to some agreement when we next meet,’ she added, as she rose to go. ‘Maybe,’ Vickers replied thoughtfully. At the next meeting, Vickers announced that after some thought, he had changed his Mind, and would now support the new season. Several weeks later, it was announced that as local playwright, he had been asked to write a serious work to be performed as season finale. Questions 1. What do you perceive to be the primary problem in this case? 2. Do you believe that the board has made decisions according to the rational decision making model? Why? 3. Do you think that using a group such as this one was the most effective way to make the decision? 4. What might you have done differently, in order to facilitate more effective decision making

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Dream Of The American Dream - 1799 Words

From the early stages of American literature the dream of success has always been around, even at the very beginning. It has gone on the journey of merely surviving in small amounts of the literature from the native people to thriving in a growing society and being in everything. The dream to myself is becoming wealthy and being successful in everything I do. Today I believe that the dream has become different for everyone, every person has a different dream, a different way they want their life to go. Through the stages of literature the American dream has not only evolved but it has completely changed in some aspects. The dream goes from survival in America in La Relacion to being free in America in The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano. Those pieces of literature are in the same era of Early American literature and the dream has already evolved. The American dream has slightly changed every time someone interprets it, every time someone writes down what they bel ieve the dream to be. The American dream begins in Early American Literature it is presented in Olaudah Equiano’s narrative. Equiano wanted to be a free man after being taken into slavery, although it wasn’t all kicks and giggles. Hitherto I had thought only slavery dreadful; but the state of a free negro appeared to me know equally so at least, and in some respects even worse, for they live in constant alarm for their liberty, which is but nominal. (122 Equiano). He says that the trials ofShow MoreRelatedAmerican Dreams : The American Dream1068 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican Dream? American Dream: Noun, the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American. That is the definition of the American dream according to, but the American Dream is more than a definition, but a way of life for many. Millions of immigrants come to our country in search of this â€Å"American Dream† including my grandparents but more and more are disappointed. So does the American Dream exist? Has it ever existed or has it allRead MoreAmerican Dreams And The American Dream Essay1727 Words   |  7 PagesMobility and the American Dream feed off one another, immigrants and American citizens wanting to work hard and building new inventions to make life easier. Without this American ingenuity, it might of taken the United States longer to get to where the country is now. The American Dream has helped people see all the potential that there is in the U.S. Almost all aspects of mobility relating to the American Dream are still achievable. The path to the so called American Dream might be a harder toRead MoreThe Dream Of The American Dream1047 Words   |  5 PagesThe American Dream is heralded and aspired to, by immigrants and natives alike. It is a hopeful belief, that although many believe in, very few achieve. This variability of outcomes is due to the American Dream’s dependency on ideals of equality and freedom of opportunity. These two ideals do not institutionally exist in the United States, causing its construction to be inherently unequal, as individuals cannot reach the Dream without systemic privilege and power. Social positions and historic contextRead MoreAmerican Dreams : The American Dream1187 Words   |  5 PagesThe American dream is what makes people from all around the world to want to move to America. The American dream is what makes America wonderful. The American dream has been categorized as an equal opportunity to attain success through hard work. The end result of t he American dream for the universal people is for that character and their loved ones to be living contentedly for the rest of their lives. However, this is not the same apparition that every individual has of the American dream. 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The American dream is defined as, â€Å"a happy way of living that is thought of by many Americans as something that c an be achieved by anyone in the U.S. especially by workingRead MoreAmerican Dream Is Not A Dream771 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican dream is not a dream What is your own version of the American Dream? Money? Living a big house or having a nice car? I believe these are values that most of people define to them what the American Dream is. The American Dream has alway been challenging to receive happiness; but as an Americans, we had worked our way from inequality to freedom. First, immigration as one biggest puzzle in the United States. America is also refer to a melting pot. Because many different ethnic groups andRead MoreThe Dream Of The American Dream1098 Words   |  5 Pagesline â€Å"Follow your dreams!† This simple sentence has inspired many. This idea of creating a dream and chasing it has inspired the American Dream. The American Dream is different for everybody. It could be getting married, creating a business, or being a hero. It turns out the American Dream is not for everybody. There is always something standing in the way of the American Dream. Race, social status, and the individual are standing in the way between the person and the American Dream. A person s raceRead MoreAmerican Dreams And The American Dream1728 Words   |  7 PagesAmericans have been dreaming since the Mayflower arrived in the New World and the American Dream itself has withstood threats up until this very day to all of its internal characteristics: international peace, health, leadership, wealth, supremacy, and equality. H.W. Brands states in his book American Dreams that â€Å"Americans had dreamed since our national birth, and in the twenty-first century we are dreaming still†. Both Brands’ story and Nathaniel Philbrick’s account in Mayflower assist significantlyRead MoreDreams And The American Dream828 Words   |  4 PagesThe American Dream is the thought the United States had never ending chances to live ones dream no matter where one would come from. During the Great Depression, the American Dream is to own land, to rise out of one’s current situation, and to not have to worry about money. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, three characters have individual dreams that directly relate to the American Dream. George and Lennie want to own their own farm. He wants to not have to work 11 hour shifts and